Shopping Centers

For those who want more

Location: Poland, Ukraine

Object status: built, commercialized, sold


King Cross Shopping Centers were the first goal of the newly established King Cross company, which is now called King Cross Developments Sp. z o.o. 

The centers are located in large cities in Poland: Warsaw, Poznań, Gdańsk, Łódź and in Ukraine: Lviv.

Each Center has a unique architecture, ideally suited to the needs of a modern (at the time of construction) Shopping Center. The centers have large and convenient above-ground and / or underground parking lots. By connecting the car park with the city via several entry / exit routes, customers can conveniently get to the Center from almost every district of the city in which it is located as well as from further surroundings.

All Shopping Centers have been commercialized and sold immediately or after several years of managing them.